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Prayer Portals

Prayer is where Spirit meets language.  ~Ellen Debenport

Most of us know that intention-setting and prayer are powerful spiritual practices.  From creating miracles to getting clear on what it is we desire in our lives, a lifestyle that includes a ceremony (no matter how simple and small) that identifies and asks for what we want, need and, desire makes life better.

Prayer is the language of spirituality… ~Charles Fillmore

Like many things we know are good for us, though, prayer is likely on our list of “shoulds” and not on our list of “dones.”  And that’s OK.  We live in a complicated and high-stress culture where setting aside time to pray can be really difficult.  Then there’s the additional fear of doing it “wrong.”

My intention in creating Prayer Portal is to provide a place to put your prayers and intentions.  The physical act of writing your desires and intentions down is a powerful practice all by itself.  I love the idea of complimenting that with a physical way to “hand it over to God” (or whatever you call the Higher Power of your understanding) and then amplifying it with the vibration of aligned crystals.

Using a Prayer Portal is a simple and powerful way to

∞send up prayers

∞ask for divine help

∞set intentions

∞express gratitude

Each set comes with

∞Prayer Portal

∞10 pack of prayer starter cards

∞Citrine–for manifestation, mental clarity, creativity, personal will

∞Bloodstone–for physical healing, strength, purification, vitality

∞Rose Quartz–love, gentleness, emotional healing, release of stress

∞Ideas for crafting prayers and setting up simple rituals

Supplemental stones for other intentions available.

Prayer is inhaling the spirit of God.  ~Edwin Keith
