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Everything about this stone says integration. It is a dark colored stone that creates beautiful colors and patterns with light. It is both common and rare: it is a Feldspar, a mineral that makes up more than half of the Earth’s exposed rocks, but is also found on the Moon, Mars, and asteroids. The Inuits associate its iridescence to the Aurora Borealis–labradorite is a combination of the northern lights of the heavens and stone formed from molten rock. Labradorite’s play of color is created by light reflecting off of twinning of crystals inside the stone–an intergrowth of two separate crystals.

A melding of yin and yang, light and dark, Labradorite destroys duality and polarity, helping us to see that there is beauty in all that is. The most powerful magic (bringing the ethereal into tangible form) comes from integration, and Labradorite is the most magical stone I know. Labradorite helps you integrate light and shadow, it helps you recognize the spiritual in the mundane and the beauty in the drab.  This crystal is a long-term ally on your spiritual journey–find a piece you love and work with it often, even if it is as simple as spending some time meditatively moving it around in the light to find all of its surprises. It is the stone of the New Moon, so it is a perfect stone to work with during New Moon intention setting. I wear labradorite during ceremony to protect my energetic field, to hold an intention of integration, and to align magical intentions. 

Fun fact: Labradorite is in the same stone family as Sunstone, Moonstone, Larvakite, Nuumite, and Amazonite.