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Integration: A Crystal Grid of Balance


Integration.  Such a powerful word with many levels of meaning.  I often wonder if integration is not what we are seeking.  Balance. Peace. Perfection.

I hold events that focus on the Moon in all of her magical phases.  The Moon is a symbol of the Divine Feminine, that universal principal of femininity.  I have long-studied the Divine Feminine, holding space for my clients and myself to embody it.  And, as I have felt into the energies of the events I have facilitated and have integrated the knowledge, I often note the beauty of balance:







And so so much more.

With the intent of raising and celebrating the energy of balance and integration, I created a powerful permanent crystal grid for my moon-centered events.




The grid is affixed to ~4 1/2″ Agate Slice, and the stones include Peach Moonstone, Sunstone, Golden Labradorite, White Moonstone, Grey Moonstone.







PEACH MOONSTONE SPHERE: Goddess energies/divine feminine; mystery, intuition and insight; gentle and loving heart support; soothes worry and anxiety






SUNSTONE PATH STONE: enlightened male energy, leadership, strength, personal power, freedom, warmth, and mental clarity

GREY MOONSTONE PATH STONES: seeing beyond the veil, mysterious and powerful energies of the New Moon, can help bring forth creations from the void

GOLDEN LABRADORITE PATH STONES: aligned use of will, clarity, confidence, power, purposefulness, inner strength, vitality, courage, strength



WHITE MOONSTONE PATH STONES: Goddess energies/divine feminine; full moon energy, magnification of emotions, kundalini activation

AGATE SLICE BASE: stability and strength, building a lasting connection among the stones of the grid and between the grid and it’s steward.




My grids are created with heart-centered prayer and compassionate intention in an energetically clear environment. Each stone is intuitively hand-chosen, size- and color- matched, and cleared and charged. Grids are precisely arranged with sacred geometry and the medicine wheel in mind. Grids are activated with an intuitively chosen, high vibration gemstone point in a minimum of 11 steps.

This grid has been present in many women’s circle ceremonies and in sound baths.  It has been cleared and re-activated many times, becoming more synergistically powerful with each use and activation.  I know that I am steward of the crystals and gemstones I purchase and of the crystal grids I create.  If this one-of-a-kind grid is calling to you, I can hand over it’s stewardship.  Click here to purchase this grid or to see what else I have available.

If you’d like to work with me in designing a grid specifically attuned to you and your intention, please reach out at Info@TracySageKing.com