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Crystal Gridding


If you follow me on Facebook, you know how I love crystal grids.  A crystal grid is an intentional arrangement of gemstones and crystals in a precise geometric pattern to raise, create, and call down specific energy.  Grids are activated in a way that invites the stones to work together.  The energy that an activated grid creates is synergistic: The grid’s energy is more powerful than the sum of the energy of the individual stones.


I create grids for me and for my children.  I give them as gifts to my family and friends.  I am designing a standard line of grids which are available here, in my Etsy Shop, and on Amazon Handmade.  I use them in my energy healing work and events.  And, I work with clients one-on-one to co-create custom grids, attuned to their specific intentions and energy signature.

I have them everywhere.  Here’s why.

∞ From a simplistic metaphysical point of view, our thoughts and emotions create our vibration and the vibration in our environments.  Our vibration attracts like vibrations.  So, if we want to bring more peace into our lives, a crystal grid created with the intent to increase peace will create a peace-full energy field, which will increase our feelings of peace, and, in turn call in more peace.

∞ Grids can also “send up” prayers and intentions.  It is a two way street.  It’s like saying “Hey God/Spirit/Source/Universe, here’s what I desire (or something better), and here’s the vibration of it and me together.”

∞ We can use a grid to “charge” other objects.  All material things have a vibration and hold energy.  Placing objects on our near your grid will charge that thing with the energy of the grid.  A good example of this is placing business cards on a prosperity grid.

∞ They are beautiful.

If you’d like to make your own, there is information all over the web about how to make grids.

You can buy packages with all of the pieces, too.  I love Sage Goddess.

Here are some of the books I have read and incorporated into my work

Crystal Grids: How and Why They Work: A Science-Based, Yet Practical Guide

Crystal Grids: How to Combine & Focus Crystal Energies to Enhance Your Life

Crystal Grids Power: Harness The Power of Crystals and Sacred Geometry for Manifesting Abundance, Healing and Protection

I have developed a unique process for designing, creating, and blessing crystal grids.  Here’s a gallery of pics that show just a part of the process.

Creating crystal grids is a passion of mine.  Click here to see some of what I have for sale.  You can also visit my Amazon Handmade Shop or my Etsy Store

If you’d like to work with me in designing a grid specifically attuned to you and your intention, please send me an email at Info@TracySageKing.com